3.10.1 Profile
  • 22 Jan 2024
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3.10.1 Profile

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Article summary

This article details the navigation of the Profile section.

a) Details

    • Display Name - This is your company display name
    • Email - The email address of company admin (Invoices will be sent to this address)
    • Contact Number - General contact number for company support (only visible to admins)
    • Joined - when merchant signed up and admin portal was created
    • Sales Margin - The margin in percentage that will be discounted on each sale via the app (reseller commission)
    • Device Link URL - configurable domain by the admin to connect devices without a captive portal (eg. smart TV's)

b) Company Details

    • Company Name - This is the company holding name
    • Registration Number - Company registration number
    • VAT Number - Company VAT number
    • Address - Company address
    • Captive Portal ID - Unique merchant hash used in the captive portal redirect: https://vulacoin.com/captive2/CaptivePortalID
    • Wallet - this is the wallet URL (VC support can configure subdomain or company domain can be used)
  • You can upload a company logo and/or icon by clicking the Upload button and selecting an image from your device.

c) Support Settings

    • QContact URL - this is for the WebChat integration into QContact
    • Support Number - merchant WhatsApp support number
    • View "Support Zone" article under "WALLET CATALOGUE" category for more.

Avatars & Profile Backgrounds will reflect on user's profile (view "First Login" under "WALLET CATALOGUE" category for more).

By clicking on the pencil icon, merchants can configure the following fields under profile:

Apps - Merchants can add any app add-on. The percentage in brackets will increase the system fee.

Feature - Merchants can add any features

Adding Apps or Features will be displayed on the branded wallet. Each tickbox is covered under the WALLET CATALOGUE.

Email - Address used to send invoices
Contact Number - Merchant support or contact number
Sales Margin - Commission for resellers
Verified Sales Margin - Commission for verified agents / resellers
Device Link URL - Configurable domain by the admin to connect devices without a captive portal (eg. smart TV's)
Client Balance Name - This is the naming beneath the VulaCoin balance on the branded wallet (default = minutes)
Is Active - Replaced by "Hotspots" in App add-on (will show uploaded hotpots on the wallet)
Primary Color - Update the branded wallet theme color

Tribe settings

Enabled - turn tribes on or off
Label - name of feature as displayed on the wallet
Free minutes on invitation - number or minutes received when some is invited to tribe
Free minutes on purchase - number of minutes received in addition to the tribe bundle purchase

Profile Card Settings

Include default profile pictures - uses avatars as covered in section B above
Reward Profile Completion - Specify a time bundle to reward users for completing their profile

Video Section - Name the label as shown in the wallet menu

Support Settings - Update merchant support via QContact & WhatsApp.