Quick Connect
  • 14 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Quick Connect

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Article summary

Quick Connect is an update of the login, buy and connect flows on the captive portal. The flows have been re-designed to be less complicated for the users to progress from login to being connected to the internet on their device. Quick Connect also makes it easier for users to switch an active bundle from a different device to their current device. In addition to the flows being updated, the UI components have also been improved to be more visually appealing and consistent across the various pages.

The Quick Connect journey is as follow.

Landing on the login screen users are prompted to enter their cellphone number:

1. Enter cellphone number into the input text field highlighted in blue.

2. Click on next after valid number has been entered.

3. Login in process

Once the number has been verified by the system, the user will be promoted to enter their PIN (If profile has been configured) or enter the OTP received by SMS:

After the user has successfully logged in, the available products will be displayed. This screen will include the valid payment options per product based on price and will highlight if any promotions are available (VulaCoin was used as payment for the flow below):

1. The user can select the product and payment option.

2. Success screen confirms the purchase.

3. This bundle is now ready to be activated / authenticated (User has the option to select the bundle and click on "Connect" or click in "Buy a different bundle" at the bottom of the screen.

4. The user is presented with the connecting screen. This screen includes the duration of the bundle that is left as well as when the bundle will expire. After the screen, the journey is completed and the user will have internet access.

Should the user already have an active bundle when connecting, the screen will include the active bundle details at the bottom:

Here the user can opt to connect their current active bundle rather than buying a new product. By clicking on the "Yes, connect this device", the user will move to the connecting screen as per point 4 above.

Users can still opt to purchase a bundle again. The active bundle banner can be closed by clicking anywhere on the screen above the banner.

Should the user purchase another bundle by dismissing the "Yes, connect this device" button, the bundles purchase will be shown on the connect screen:

The user can now toggle between the different bundles available to authenticate. Should the user opt to continue on their current active bundle, simply click on the "Switch to this device" button at the bottom of the screen. This will complete the connection and provide the user with internet access. 

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